Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Trip to Kelly Tarltons

Welcome to Room 18's new 2011 class! This term we are learning all about sea creatures and their habitats, so we went on a trip to Kelly Tarltons in Auckland. We made a photo story about our visit and we hope you enjoy it!


  1. Julia - Jemma's mumMarch 8, 2011 at 7:35 PM

    Wow Room 18, I loved the way you all spoke so clearly on the slide show. I wonder who won the sand castle competition? Miss Knowles must have had a hard task choosing the winners!
    Enjoy learning lots about the sea for the rest of this term and work hard at your swimming, so you can all swim like FISH!

  2. Hi Room 18! Fantastic slide show...I have finally been able to download my photos I took of the kelly Tarltons trip, let me know if you want anymore. have Fun, Amanda, Billie's Mummy

  3. Kelllie (Ruby's mum)March 31, 2011 at 11:55 PM

    What a neat video - it looks like you had so much fun at Kelly Tarlton's. Thanks for sharing the video on your class website - I can't wait to see some more of your class activies on here soon.
    Thanks Kellie (Ruby's mum).
