Tuesday, March 30, 2010

School Visits

This term we have had many visits from interesting people to tell us more about their jobs, including ambulance officers, police (and police dogs!), fire fighters and a Westpac helicopter rescue pilot. We have been able to find out about some of their responsibilities at work. Here are just a few photos from some of the visits:

One of our mums came in to talk to us about her responsibilities as a volunteer ambulance officer. We all got to have a go at putting some bandages on each other, which was good fun!

We also had a visit from another St John ambulance officer. We talked about how to dial 111 in an emergency.

A police officer also came to talk to us. We got to see his police car, and we listened to the siren and saw the flashing lights. We will get to see him again next term when he comes in to do some more work with all of Year 1.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Fire Engine Prints

In Art we made some block prints of the fire engine that came to visit our school. This also linked in with our Maths, as we have been learning about 2D shapes, and we got to use a lot of different shapes to make our prints! Maybe you would like to try some printing too? Here is what we did in case you would like to give it a go yourself!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

How did we make our "Mr Gumpy's Motor Car" photo story?

In reading we have been learning how to retell a story in our own words. We started off by reading the story "Mr Gumpy's Motor Car" by John Burningham.

Miss Brookshaw then covered up the text in the book with post it notes so that we could only see the pictures. Over the next week we started off our reading lessons by retelling parts of the story while Miss Brookshaw wrote down what we said.

When we had finished writing the whole story Miss Brookshaw cut it up into 21 pieces, and we all got part of the story to illustrate. We used pencils, vivid pens and crayons to draw our pictures, and then we used dye for the backgrounds.

The final step was reading our pieces and recording ourselves. We discussed why it was important to use loud, clear and exciting voices! After we had finished our recording we watched our photo story on the smartboard. Don't forget to leave us a comment on what you thought of our work!!!

Mr Gumpy's Motor Car

We have made our own version of the story `Mr Gumpy's Motor Car` by John Burningham as part of our reading programme. We hope you enjoy our story.